Obsidian Showcases

Obsidian Showcases: Canvas Dashboard, Homepage, Book Tracker, & More

Showcases to inspire your obsidian journey

Obsidian is a blank Canvas.

You are free to choose your style and workflow. While this flexibility offers endless possibilities, it can sometimes leave newcomers feeling overwhelmed by choice.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see what and how other users are using the app?

That’s precisely the inspiration behind this article.

In this edition of Obsidian showcases, I will share some dashboards and workflows used by the Obsidian users.

All of these showcases are collected from the Obsidian Discord group.

Tracking in daily note

This is a showcase shared by massivenezia

It has a multi-column layout with a journal diary on the left and a habit tracker on the right. The habit tracker is based on this dataviewjs code shared by max.

Habit tracker

This showcase is shared by Totalani. This setup is inspired by the habit tracker shared by max

I wrote about this in the previous episode of Obsidian Showcases.

Kanban board view

This showcase is Shared by chase littepaws

This setup uses the Kanban Obsidian plugin to plan tasks in Obsidian.

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Multi-column dashboard

This dashboard setup is Shared by ficolas.

The multi-column view in the dashboard is created using either the modular CSS layout or the multi-column obsidian plugin

If you want to create a dashboard setup for yourself, I created complete guide with the ability to track goals and habits. 

A guide to making a dashboard

This is another guide on how to create a cool-looking dashboard setup in Obsidian. 

A Guideline to Making an Obsidian Homepage — Google Docs


This showcase is shared by Massimo

This is created with the help of Obsidian columns and the Infobox plugin. 


Currently reading & listening list

This is a showcase shared by Dante.

It creates a dataview cards view of currently reading books and currently listening audiobooks. 

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Reading list

This is another reading list showcase. I couldn’t resist sharing this because of the aesthetic look. It is Shared by TheSharkDude.

This reading list takes an extra step to track the progress of the book along with displaying the cover image. 

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Canvas dashboard

This is a project dashboard Shared by ayylias

The user said that the setup was inspired by Danny Hatcher’s Canvas Dashboard setup Videos.


AI recommends dashboard setup

This is somewhat out of context. No use whatsoever. But I found this inspiring. 

This is an AI-generated image of a productivity dashboard setup in Obsidian. 

This was shared by trent.

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Planning a Game

This is shared by a badly drawn wobbler

He is using Obsidian Canvas to plan all the game mechanics.

Minimal dashboard with canvas candy

This is the dashboard setup shared by Marco.

It is created with the help of Obsidian Canvas with the Canvas Candy CSS by TfTHacker.


Preparing for test

This is a showcase shared by Lunaris13.

It’s amazing how the obsidian canvas can be used. The user is preparing for his chemistry finals in Obsidian Canvas.


Obsidian Publish Showcase 

This is shared by Hananoshika Yomaru

I’ve been a fan of his Obsidian publish site. 

I love how everything is set up and organized. I loved the concept of building in public.


The more public my life is, the more accountable and credible I become.

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